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What is the Appropriate Amount of Smartphone Use for Toddlers?

by Lily Anderson 11 Feb 2024

What is the Appropriate Amount of Smartphone Use for Toddlers?

Image by diana.grytsku on freepik

In today's digital era, the question of "the appropriate amount of smartphone use for toddlers" has become increasingly significant for parents and guardians. As smartphones become an integral part of our daily lives, it's crucial to closely examine their impact on society's youngest members. This blog post delves into the latest research and expert recommendations regarding screen time for toddlers, offering insights and guidance for parents navigating the digital upbringing of their children.

Understanding the Impact of Screen Time

First and foremost, it's essential to understand the impact of screen time on toddlers. Studies have indicated that excessive screen time can influence a child's developmental milestones, including language development, cognitive growth, and social skills. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that children under 18 months should avoid the use of screen media other than video chatting. For children aged 18 to 24 months, parents wishing to introduce digital media should choose high-quality programming/apps and engage in these digital activities alongside their children to ensure comprehension and interaction.

Additionally, the sensory overload from the bright colors, rapid movements, and loud sounds common in smartphone content can be overwhelming for infants. This level of sensory stimulation is significantly different from the natural environment in which human senses evolved, potentially leading to attention issues and hyperactivity disorders.

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Screen Time Recommendations

According to the AAP's guidelines, the specific recommendations for children's screen time usage are as follows:

  • For children under 18 months: Avoid using screen media other than video chatting. Direct interaction and physical, sensory exploration are more important for this age group than screen time.
  • For children aged 18 to 24 months: If parents decide to introduce digital media, they should opt for high-quality programming and watch it together with their children to aid in understanding and learning.
  • For children aged 2 to 5 years: Limit screen time to under one hour per day of high-quality programming. Parents should co-view the content, discuss it, and help relate the viewed content to the real world.
  • For children aged 6 and older: More than setting a specific limit, maintaining healthy habits and balancing physical activities, sufficient sleep, and non-screen activities are crucial. Parents should set consistent limits and create a media use plan with their family.

These recommendations aim to support healthy development in children and ensure that digital media does not replace essential activities like physical play, face-to-face interaction, and sleep. The focus should be on the quality rather than the quantity of screen time. Parents need to consider what activities their children are engaging in while using screens and how these activities contribute to their learning and development.

Creating a Balanced Digital Environment

Creating a balanced digital environment involves setting limits and ensuring that digital engagements are meaningful and educational. Parents should be mindful of their screen usage as their behavior sets a precedent for their child's relationship with technology. Establishing tech-free zones and times, particularly during meals and before bedtime, can encourage more family interaction and ensure that screen time does not interfere with sleep quality.

Moreover, parents should carefully select the content their toddlers are exposed to, prioritizing educational and interactive apps designed specifically for early development. Engaging with the content together with their child can enhance the learning experience and provide bonding opportunities.

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The Role of Parents and Guardians

Parents and guardians play a crucial role in moderating their child's screen time and ensuring that their digital experiences are beneficial. This involves being actively involved in their child's digital world, understanding the content they are exposed to, and setting boundaries that foster a healthy balance between digital and physical activities.

It's also essential for parents to lead by example. Demonstrating responsible screen use and prioritizing face-to-face interactions over digital ones teaches children the value of personal connections and the importance of living in the moment.


In conclusion, while smartphones and digital media offer educational and developmental opportunities for children, it's imperative to approach screen time with caution, especially for toddlers. Adhering to the recommended guidelines and creating a balanced digital environment can help mitigate the potential negative impacts of screen exposure. By fostering meaningful digital interactions and prioritizing real-world experiences, parents can ensure that their children reap the benefits of technology without compromising their developmental needs.

As we navigate the digital age, the responsibility falls on parents and guardians to guide their children through the vast digital landscape responsibly. By setting the foundations for healthy digital habits early on, we can prepare our children for a future where technology and personal well-being are in harmony.

The Perfect Choice for Your Little Ones

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